Jun 29th 2022
Open communication between parents and kids
Being a mom was always my favorite joy in life! My children are the world to me. I always made a promise to myself that I would always make my children feel comfortable enough to talk to me about anything! I always made sure that they should never feel afraid, ashamed or frightened to discuss anything with me. I always told them that they can talk to me about anything as long as they tell me the truth and they are honest with me. I I told them A lie would be worse than anything they would tell me Or want to talk to me about. That message has always stuck with my relationship with my kids. Now, that my children are adults they talk to me about things that I never would have imagined. I’m sure that there is a lot I don’t know (lol) but I’m so thankful for the many things that they do confide in me with. As a mom I thought that this was some really good information to share❤️